Labs to Nations: CSU Ventures and Cancer Research Focus of ‘Spotlight on CSU’ Luncheon Sept. 4

Mark Wdowik, president and chief executive officer of CSU Management Corp., a for-profit subsidiary corporation of CSU Ventures, and Dr. Douglas Thamm, assistant professor of oncology, will speak about how the university is one of the first public institutions in the nation to assemble a seed investment fund for CSU start-ups and research partners. The talk will be part of a Spotlight on CSU luncheon from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 4 at the Hilton Hotel in Fort Collins.

Wdowik will speak about the fund, young companies and their technologies and the innovations created in CSU’s research laboratories. Dr.Thamm will give an overview of the Cancer Supercluster’s organization and mission, and examples of discoveries that are being promoted through the Supercluster.

A networking session will precede the luncheon from 11:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m.

Spotlight on CSU highlights the latest Colorado State University innovations and programs in a social atmosphere where professional relationships and partnerships are developed.       

The next Spotlight on CSU luncheon, on Dec. 4, is titled "Agritourism: Growing Rural Opportunities."

Registration is $30 per person or $25 for current members of the CSU Alumni Association. Register by Aug. 28 at or call (970) 491-6533.
