CSU In The News Archive

Apartment vacancies up


August 22, 2008

But Fort Collins’ future looks promising, largely because of CSU, its new School for Global Environmental Sustainability and the research coming out of the university, experts said.



August 22, 2008

Maury Albertson, a Colorado State University professor, and two colleagues will be honored today at the Peace Corps & Friends celebration for their role in the creation of the modern Peace Corps.

DNC in Denver: 100 years in the making


August 22, 2008

Republicans still hold an edge in CD-4, but independents are a force to be reckoned with, said John Straayer, a political science professor at Colorado State University who studies Colorado politics.

Fill your water glasses and toast a prairie dog


August 22, 2008

“Help recharge the (Ogallala) aquifer?” Joel Schneekloth, a regional water resource specialist with the Colorado State University extension, said with a laugh. “I’ve heard a lot of wild, goofy ideas, and this is one of them.”

Peace Corps’ CSU link celebrated


August 22, 2008

Today through Sunday, members of the global community effort are visiting Fort Collins for “The Peace Corps Family Reunion: Bring Your Piece of the Promise” at CSU.

1,000 drums, one transcendent vibe


August 21, 2008

The event will honor three Colorado State University researchers, including one credited with creating the Peace Corps template.

Can Obama win over those voters who find him pompous?


August 21, 2008

Obama’s problem, said John Straayer, a political analyst at Colorado State University, is that “there’s still a mystery element to this guy, and the opposition so far has done a good job of defining him.”