Matt Ross

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Warner College of Natural Resources


Ecosystem Science and Sustainability


Water, Wildfires

Areas of Expertise

Water quality, Land use, climate change, Water resource management

Matt Ross is an assistant professor of watershed science in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability. He serves as both faculty director of CSU’s Geospatial Centroid and director of his lab, the Radical Open Science Syndicate. He uses data science techniques to understand how human activities impact our water resources. 

Employing remote sensing, intensive fieldwork and advanced data analytics, Ross’ work focuses on post-fire water quality, algae blooms and the impact of land use on aquatic ecosystems. His research aims to understand and predict water quality dynamics, assess climate vulnerability in water resources and inform effective water resource management strategies. 

Ross earned his Ph.D. in Ecology from Duke University and his B.A. in Ecology from the University of Colorado at Boulder.