Jianguo Zhao

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Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering


Mechanical Engineering



Areas of Expertise

AI, Engineering design

Jianguo Zhao is an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering and the director of the Adaptive Robotics Lab. He specializes in robotics, engineering design and artificial intelligence. Applied to his research, Zhao designs and builds small, adaptive robots capable of reconfiguring their shapes, structures or functionalities to perform tasks in various environments.

One notable project, published in Nature Communications, examines morphologically adaptive robots, where the shape-morphing capability is integrated directly into the robot’s body without requiring bulky supporting equipment. This innovation enables robots to adapt to different tasks and environments, such as grasping objects and terrestrial and amphibious movement.

Zhao completed his Ph.D. research on jumping robots at Michigan State University and holds an M.Engr. in mechatronic engineering and a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology.