Media Advisory: November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Contact for reporters:
Mary Guiden
(206) 854-3786

VIDEO: Top 10 Warning Signs for Pet Cancer:

Note for reporters: We have several clients who are open to talking with reporters about their pet or pets’ journeys with cancer.

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month.

One in four dogs and one in five cats will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Forty years ago, cancer was often a terminal diagnosis with few options, especially for pets. Today, there is hope.

The Flint Animal Cancer Center at the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Colorado State University is a world leader in the treatment of dogs, cats, and pets with cancer, with nearly four decades of experience in providing leading-edge, comprehensive, and compassionate care.

Each year, the team sees more than 1,600 new patients and schedules over 6,000 appointments.

  • CSU’s Dr. Doug Thamm, a cancer survivor, is leading the largest interventional canine clinical trial ever conducted, with an aim to create a new cancer prevention vaccine.
  • The cancer center currently has 16 clinical trials for dogs and cats with osteosarcoma, lymphoma and several types of tumors. Clinical trials related to pet cancer are conducted throughout the United States. If you do not live close enough to participate in a trial at CSU, you can search for trials in your area. Kristen Weishaar is the clinical trials director and also a cancer survivor.
  • CSU’s Dr. Rod Page is a principal investigator for the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, a comprehensive observational study to identify the nutritional, environmental, lifestyle and genetic risk factors for cancer and other diseases in dogs in the United States. This study is led by the Morris Animal Foundation, which is based in Denver.
  • Our veterinarians are collaborating with physicians and researchers on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus and Children’s Hospital of Colorado.

Learn more about common cancers in cats and dogs.