Media Tip Sheet: Valentine’s Day

Note to Reporters: The information in the tip sheet is not intended for publication and is for reporter use only.

Secret Relationships

Justin Lehmiller, assistant professor of Applied Social Psychology, can talk about his studies on people who keep their relationships secret and the damage they may face to their health as well as their relationship over the long-term. Lehmiller is the first to look at the health issues surrounding secret relationships – information that could someday help the psychology profession with couples counseling. To speak with Lehmiller, contact Emily Wilmsen at (970) 491-2336 or

Staying positive at the holidays

Michael Steger, assistant professor of counseling psychology and applied social psychology, can talk about positive psychological topics such as meaning in life, happiness, positive emotions, savoring, and the “up” side of holidays like Valentine’s Day. He can talk about mindfulness and acceptance techniques that might help people ride out the “down” side of the holidays, like being alone, single, or having recently lost a relationship. He can speak about the social instigators of depression that people could think about during the holidays to help them get the most out of this time of year – focusing on authentic interactions, the two-way benefits of reaching out to others, and how to help other people share their good news in such a way that it makes everyone feel good. To speak with Steger, contact Emily Wilmsen at (970) 491-2336 or

Preventing a broken heart

Is your heart broken? Colorado State University has an extensive Heart Disease Prevention program through the Human Performance Clinical/Research Laboratory. The program is known across the state for helping the public assess their risk through extensive and specialized testing for cardiovascular disease and develop tailored plans for reducing risk factors, as well as for conducting research into heart disease. Heart disease experts can talk about how to modify lifestyles and diets to reduce risk of heart disease as well as discuss how some people who seem to be in perfect health may actually be at risk. Heart disease is a top cause of death among adults in the United States. To speak with an expert, contact Dell Rae Moellenberg at 970-491-6009 or
