Well-Known Author of Â??mothering Without a Map’ to Speak at Colorado State University’s Parenting Day April 2

The authors of "Mothering without a Map" and "Raising a Secure Child" will share their expertise at Colorado State University’s Department of Human Development and Family Studies’ Parenting Day April 2.

Kathryn Black and Zeynep Biringen will talk about recognizing and reworking secure and insecure emotional connections between parents and children and rethinking and reworking our own childhood connections at the interactive workshop from 9 a.m. – noon at the Gifford Building in Room 113, 502 W. Lake St. on the Colorado State campus. The cost of the workshop is $30, but lower if you call and book ahead of time. Seating will be limited. People interested in attending the workshop may register by calling (970) 491-5558.

Black is the well-known author of "Mothering without a Map: The Search for the Good Mother Within," which received a recommendation from O: The Oprah Magazine. Black also is author of the award-winning book, "In the Shadows of Polio: A Personal and Social History," which was named by the Boston Globe as one of the best nonfiction books of 1996 and was winner of the Colorado Book Award for Literary Nonfiction and the June Roth Book Award for Health and Medical Writing.

Named 1997 Author of the Year by the American Society of Journalists and Authors, Black is a former editor at Woman’s Day and Better Homes & Gardens magazines and has written for numerous other national magazines, including Child, Psychotherapy Networker, House Beautiful, Mirabella, Yoga Journal and Food & Wine.

Biringen is an associate professor of human development and a child clinical psychology. She is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in the area of attachment, emotional availability and parent-child relationships. She was educated at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. Biringen is currently conducting research on enhancing secure attachment and emotional availability in child care sites for infants and toddlers as well as helping military families with babies. She is the author of numerous scientific articles and the book, "Raising a Secure Child." She has a private practice in which she treats children and consults for the courts on custody and divorce issues. The book has been featured on Court TV, Denver’s Fox, Denver’s Channel 7, as well as magazines including Prevention, Working Mother, and Child.

The workshop is specifically designed for therapists, parents, grandparents, step-parents, child care providers and anyone who would like to gain a greater understanding of themselves and children.

"This workshop will be a tremendous help to parents and others who care for children in building secure emotional connections that play a critical role in the future success of their children," said Biringen.

For more information or to register for Parenting Day, contact Bonnie Beer at (970) 491-5558, send e-mail to Bonnie.Beer@ColoState.edu or visit www.cahs.colostate.edu
