Courtenay Daum

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Liberal Arts


Political Science


Law and Politics

Areas of Expertise

U.S. Supreme Court, feminist legal theory

Courtenay Daum’s research focuses on the interaction between law and society including LGBTQ politics, intersectional and feminist legal theories, and organized interest mobilization and litigation in the courts.

A professor in the Department of Political Science, Daum also serves as affiliate faculty with the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, and associate faculty in the Department of Ethnic Studies.

Recent research projects have focused attention on 1) how the criminal justice and legal systems subjugate and constrain marginalized populations including rape victims, the female intimates of drug offenders, trans individuals, and intersectionally identified LGBTQ individuals, and 2) critiques of rights mobilization and litigation as mechanisms for facilitating transformative change.

Daum attended the University of Delaware for political science, earning her B.A. in 1997 and her M.A. in 1998. She received her Ph.D. in American government from Georgetown University in 2004.